Software Cost Reduction. Helping businesses negotiate with Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and Salesforce.

Helping Businesses Optimise Their Software  Spend

We help CIOs, IT Directors and IT Procurement Professionals negotiate the best deals with enterprise software vendors such as Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and Salesforce. Contact us today to find out how we can ensure your Company always gets the best software deals and optimizes your software spend.

Contact us

Most Businesses and Organisations are paying too much for enterprise software from the likes of Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, IBM, or Salesforce

Are You Overpaying for Enterprise Software?

Many businesses and organizations are spending too much on enterprise software from major vendors like Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, IBM, and Salesforce. If you’re looking to cut costs with any of these software companies or simply want to ensure you are getting their best deals and commercial terms, contact us today.

Why Choose Us?

We are a leading procurement consultancy specializing in reducing software costs. By leveraging our unique contract benchmarking intelligence and negotiation expertise, we can help you achieve significant savings with all the main enterprise software suppliers.

Our Proven Track Record

In our experience, 8 out of 10 enterprise software deals can be improved through further negotiation. Whether it’s a new deal or a contract renewal, our team of experts can help you find negotiable cost savings. We specialize in:

  • Software contract negotiation
  • Cost optimization
  • Cost reduction

Trusted by Industry Leaders

We have successfully helped companies like Ladbrokes, Lloyds Bank, Bank of America, ING, Mass Mutual, Nationwide, ABN AMRO, William Hill plc, BASF, Shell, Met Life, GE, Bristol Myers Squibb, EDF, and British Gas optimize their IT budgets and software spend.

Why Our Clients Trust Us

Our clients rely on us to critique their enterprise software vendor proposals and contract renewals, ensuring they get the best deals and discounts possible. When we identify further negotiable savings and concessions, we guide our clients on how to get their software vendors to improve their deals.

Our Expertise

With over 30 years of experience advising businesses on software contract negotiations, we know that prices quoted by software salespeople—even their “Best and Final Offers”—can often be reduced by at least another 10% without compromising product quality or support services.

Imagine the Possibilities

If we could help your company save even just 10% on your next major software deal or contract renewal for Microsoft Office 365, SAP S4/HANA, Salesforce CRM, IBM ELA or Oracle ERP, imagine what you could do with those savings! You could fund more critical IT projects like AI, invest in additional resources or personnel, or accelerate innovation and growth. The possibilities are endless.

Don’t Overpay Any Longer

Let us help you optimize your enterprise software spend. Contact us today to ensure your company always negotiates the best possible software deals and never overpays again.

Buy our book: How to Negotiate with Oracle

If you're Company is facing an Oracle contract renewal any time soon, or your organisation is just simply buying software and services from Oracle for the first time, then buy our book and get some high impact  negotiation tips!

This book has tips to help you negotiate:

  • A new Oracle software deal
  • An Oracle contract renewal
  • An Oracle ULA
  • Oracle Cloud
  • An Oracle software audit

This will get you started on the road to getting the best possible Oracle deal.

Buy our book: How to negotiate with Microsoft

If your company is facing a Microsoft contract renewal any time soon, then buy get this book and some powerful negotiation tips and tactics.

Whether it's Microsoft Office 365 pricing or it's Azure costs you are worried about, this book will give you

some extra negotiation ideas on how to get Microsoft to give your Company the deal it deserves.

Why choose us?

Proven Success 

We’ve helped many businesses in the UK, Europe and the USA negotiate software cost savings and better software deals. Cumulative negotiated savings in the last 3 years have exceeded $300m.

Expert Team 

Your project will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you. 


Amazing ROI

With an average ROI of 12x, our clients enjoy great value for money from engaging our services.

Our goal is to help you and your company save money

We will help you optimize your software budget and your enterprise software spend.

For negotiation advice that will make a positive impact on your software spend

Contact us
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