Negotiate with Microsoft. Negotiate with Salesforce. Negotiate with Oracle. Negotiate with SAP


Software Negotiation Coaching

 Whether it's a new enterprise software deal or a SaaS contract renewal, we can help you develop and action a negotiation playbook that delivers real results and cost savings.

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Negotiation advice and coaching

Maximize Your IT Cost Savings with Expert advice on Enterprise Software Negotiation

With over 30 years of negotiation experience, we help businesses across the UK, Europe, and the USA achieve significant cost savings with their enterprise software vendors. Our deep supplier knowledge and independent advisory services ensure you always get the best deals.

Your Trusted Advisor for IT Cost Management and Price Optimisation

As your independent trusted advisor, we specialize in IT cost management and price optimisation. We coach you through each deal and contract, ensuring you negotiate the best enterprise software deals and drive your cost savings agenda.

Expert Guidance for New Deals and Contract Renewals

Whether it’s a new deal or a contract renewal, we provide comprehensive support. We help you price benchmark your enterprise software supplier’s proposal, identify all negotiable elements, and coach you step-by-step through the negotiation phase. Learn how to challenge software supplier pricing and commercial terms to secure the best possible pricing and discounts.

Flexible Engagement Models to Suit Your Needs

Choose from our flexible engagement models: retainer, fixed fee per project, or results-based fee. We empower you to negotiate better deals with all your main Software and SaaS suppliers.

Some of our recent client work has included helping businesses negotiate better deals with:

  • Microsoft
  • Oracle
  • SAP
  • Salesforce
  • VMware
  • Broadcom
  • Workday
  • CA
  • BMC
  • Infor
  • IBM
  • PegaSystems
  • ServiceNow
  • Google
  • Intuit
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Helping IT and Procurement leaders

We can help you to optimize your IT budget by ensuring you never over-pay for software. This will free up cash so you can fund other Tech innovation and new initiatives such as AI to help meet your business objectives and fuel your Company growth.

New spend can be optimized. And with often more than 70% of your budget tied up in existing contracts, we can also help you squeeze savings out of these deals at renewal time. And we can help negotiate software audit outcomes too.

Keep your enterprise software suppliers honest with their pricing and ensure they give you the deals you deserve.

Helping Financial leaders

Stop wasting money by no longer paying too much for software.

Keep more money in your company bank account.

Pay less capex and lower opex.

Boost your margin and the bottom line by getting better deals with existing and new software suppliers.

Savings-as-a-service with an average ROI of 18x

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Our guarantee

With our service, you will:

Never pay too much for software

Drive cost reduction initiatives

Optimise your time at the negotiating table with software suppliers


Find cost savings in new deals and contract renewals

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Always get the best software deals, discounts and pricing

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Unlock cash from poor value software contracts


Achieve software cost reduction without impacting your supplier relationships

Find out more about our high impact, remotely delivered, cost effective negotiation advice and coaching services

Contact us
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