Businesses can save money by negotiating better deals with all the main software and SaaS vendors

Our Clients

Software Cost Optmization

We have worked with a wide range of businesses in the UK, Europe and the USA, so contact us today and find out how much we can help you save

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Some recent examples of client cost savings

Over the last few years, we have helped businesses in the United Kingdom, Europe and the USA save over $300m.

Some of the Companies we have helped include: BASF, Lloyds Bank, Ladbrokes, Bank of America, ING, Mass Mutual, Nationwide, ABN AMRO, William Hill plc, Shell, Met Life, GE, Bristol Myers Squibb, EDF, and British Gas.

Note: Many of our clients ask us not to publicise the fact that we are working behind the scenes with them. This protects the client’s vendor relationships and ensures the client not only saves money now but also enjoys a good relationship with their chosen software vendor going forward. So that means if we work with you, we will never publish that fact, unless you tell us you are happy for us to share that information. Total discretion is assured at all times. 

Here are just a few recent projects that demonstrate the value and cost savings we can deliver when helping clients with their IT Contract Negotiations:

  • Advised a European pharmaceutical client negotiate savings of €15m+ on a Microsoft EA renewal including Office 365.

  • Helped a US utility company negotiate an Oracle contract and save $4.8m.

  • Guided a Car Manufacturer when negotiating an IBM software audit and saved over €700k.

  • Coached a US financial client through a Salesforce negotiation and reduced the proposed price by $1.2m.

  • Supported a European Retailer in an SAP negotiation resulting in savings of €2.7m.

  • Advised a German Car manufacturer negotiate the outcome of an IBM audit which resulted in a saving $900k.

  • Coached a US manufacturing giant on how to re-negotiate a Microsoft EA renewal that was stuffed full of excess software and Azure cloud commitments, and so saved the client over $28m.

  • Helped an Oracle client negotiate a 21% reduction in on-going annual support costs which will save them just over £350k a year.

In addition, and over the years, we have helped hundreds of businesses negotiate better deals with all the main enterprise software vendors.

Let us coach you through your next software deal or renewal, and let's see how much we can help your company save – just get in touch today.

For a software negotiation coach who will help you make real savings

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